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Direct Marketing Plan

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Direct Marketing Plan :
DIRECT MARKETING is the most successful suitable marketing plan that has been accepted by the society for the distribution of products and services to the end consumers directly. Today, online social media platforms are playing an excellent role in its success. Direct marketing business plan is a way for aspiring leaders as well as for women to achieve their goals, through can shop share support and grow together. Because, first time the same price of the product is offered in network and retail market and on the basis of routine shopping you can achieve your goal of success.

* You can start and enjoy with your routine shopping and be an “Ardh Sainik Canteen Distributor” ofAbhhyam.comwithout any additional cost.

* Direct Marketing is an option for those who need flexible earning opportunity and also wants todo regular shopping, keen to share, wants to support and grow together.

* direct Marketing business plan is a part-time/full-time employment to earn as per need of individual.

* With a positive attitude and proactive plan can achieve desired target at

* direct Marketing is all time available option to grow in life with business and need not to wait for a salary hikeor change of time.

* Through you can shop share support and grow business with friends and relatives with routineshoppingon routine prices.

* direct Marketing is a modern business through the internet by working on laptop and interactionwith peoples as well as available through retail distributor centres of Ardh Sainik Canteens (ASCs).

* Anyone at any age can enjoy business opportunity.

* Group of peoples can enjoy life with business opportunities at

Abhhyam Distribution Centre (ADC) : ASC: Fast grow Commander Distributor also provide a Fast Grow Commander Distributor option to enjoyand earn like a retail along with network marketing distributor benefits. Alreadyrunning Ardh Sainik Canteens are eligibleto start their Ardh Sainik Canteen asAbhhyam DC. Under this program, existing ASC have to keep the brand of “Ardh Sainik India” and “Abhhyam” as decided by the company. They candirectly sale to visiting costumers and also create their own direct network marketing team of Following will be the advantages benefits for the ASC Abhhyam DC.

* ASC Abhhyam DC will be placed as Commander Distributor (ACD) on joining and eligible for incentives as per scheme at this level

* Can develop direct network also and will enjoy the discount and incentives benefits of the team directly.

* ASC Abhhyam DC entitled for attractive margin on “Ardh Sainik India” and “Abhhyam” brand for retail sale and entitled for network margin also.

Direct and Retail Marketing Together :
Start-up is a big challenge for anyone. However,, providing a readymade network and retail platform, where, you can earn upto Rs.1 crore p.m. with only your routine shopping from Ardh Sainik Canteen Stores with little hard work and recommendation of 3 Ardh Sainik Canteen Discount Cards (CDC). We make Network marketing very convenient for all as can buy online from also and enjoy the same earning.
First time in India, Direct and Retail Marketing together. Yes, we made it possible for the Society. We have seen and experienced that the price of one product in the market having a huge difference between retail and direct marketing. But, at or at our Ardh Sainik Canteen store you will enjoy the same price for each and every product. Your regular purchase will benefits the followings:

* Issue of Canteen Discount Card (CDC) for regular shopping from Ardh Sainik Canteen or from online

* Go for shopping at ASC store or at online and get maximum Discount Bonus on “Ardh Sainik India” and “Abhhyam” Brand along with other reputed brands.

* Canteen Discount Card (CDC) also authorized you as “Ardh Sainik Canteen Distributor” without any additional cost.

* Entitled for discount Bonus on your own regular shopping and can earn Incentives, Bonus on personal purchase as well asTeam Shopping.

ASC Marketing Plan : offers various kinds of discounts, incentives and bonuses under this scheme. ASC Marketing Plan designed with a target to provide the best business option, it is a regular Incentive plan with discount, incentives and bonus on every shopping by you and your team.
Hence, you will achieve next level success on joining of each and every Ardh Sainik Canteen Distributor with a handsome monthly return.

S.No. Image Designation Promotion Level
1. Ardh Sainik Canteen Recruit Distributor (ARD) 3 CDC utilization promote you as ASD
2. Ardh Sainik Canteen Soldier Distributor (ASD) 3 ASD in downline you become AND
3. Ardh Sainik Canteen Naik Distributor (AND) 3 AND in downline you become AMD
4. Ardh Sainik Canteen Major Distributor (AMD) 3 AMD in downline you become ACD
5. Ardh Sainik Canteen Commander Distributor (ACD) 3 ACD in downline you become 1SD
S.No. Image Designation Promotion Level
6. One Star Director (1SD) 3 1SD in downline you become 2SD
7. Two Star Director (2SD) 3 2SD in downline you become 3SD
8. Three Star Director (3SD) 3 3SD in downline you become 4SD
9. Four Star Director (4SD) 3 4SD in downline you become 1SMD
S.No. Image Designation Promotion Level
10. One Star Managing Director (1SMD) 3 1SMD in downline you become 2SMD
11. Two Star Managing Director (2SMD) 3 2SMD in downline you become 3SMD
12. ThreeStar Managing Director (3SMD) 3 3SMD in downline you become President
13. President Director Dream come true
Abhhyam – Abbreviation:
Short Term Meaning
1 SD One Star Director (1SD)
1 SMD One Star Managing Director (1SMD)
2 SD Two Star Director (2SD)
2 SMD Two Star Managing Director (2SMD)
3 SD Three Star Director (3SD)
3 SMD Three Star Managing Director (3SMD)
4 SD Four Star Director (4SD) Website and Scheme of Abhhyam Ventures India Pvt. Ltd.
ACD ArdhSainik Commander Distributor (ACD)
Active Distributor Distributor Purchase every month and qualify for incentives.
ADC Abhhyam Distributor Centre, ASC join for network marketing.
AMD ArdhSainik Major Distributor (AMD)
AND ArdhSainik Naik Distributor (AND)
ARD ArdhSainik Recruit Distributor (ARD)
ASC Ardh Sainik Canteen.
ASCHO Ardh Sainik Canteen Head Office
ASD ArdhSainik Soldier Distributor (ASD)
ASWT Ardh Sainik Welfare Trust (Regd)
AW Abhhyam Wallet (AW)
BD Blue Distributor / Qualify for Active Distributor, but need to submit KYC.
CDC Canteen Discount Card.
DAF Distributor Application Form.
DC Distribution Centre is authorized ASC for sale of
DSB Directorship Bonus (DSB)
FWI Family Welfare Incentives (FWI)
GD Green Distributor means active Distributor.
Guide Introducer / Sponsor
Level The position of any Distributor will be called as level.
LGB Leadership Growth Bonus (LGB)
LSI Leadership Shop Incentives (LSI)
MD Master Depot is warehouse of ASC and
MDB Managing Director Bonus (MDB)
MEI Monthly Entitled Income (MEI)
MQL Monthly Qualify Level fixed for release of monthly income.
MRP Maximum Retail Price mentioned on any product.
ODB Own Discount Bonus (ODB)President Director (PD)
PD President Director (PD)
PDB President Director Bonus (PDB)
Phase-I Start-up business plan upto 5 Level.
Phase-II Entrepreneur’s Prime Time that is level 6 to 9.
Phase-III Phase-III: Earn Inspire and Enjoy that is level 10 to 13.
PV Point Value (PV) is value assigned to each product. The total PV associated with your monthly sales volumes will determine your monthly performance incentives, bonus amount.
RD Red Distributor means inactive Distributor.
SWF Social Welfare Fund (SWF)
TGB Team Growth bonus (TGB)
TSI Team Shop Incentives (TSI)
YD Yellow Distributor / Prospect